We appreciate your interest and would love to hear from you. Please feel free to contact us at any time!

Mohican Polled Herefords
From Wooster, Ohio. (21 Miles) Go South on St Rt 3, approx. 1.5 miles. Turn left on St Rt 226 to Shreve, Ohio. Continue thru Shreve on SR 226 until it joins SR 514. Continue on SR 514 to Nashville, Ohio. Cross SR 39 and stay on SR 514 approx. 4 miles to the sale site on the right at the intersection of CR 22. Turn right on CR 22 and left to parking.
From Mt. Vernon, Ohio. (22 miles) Holiday Inn Express is located on the East side of Mt. Vernon, just off US 36. From the hotel go East on US 36. Turn left or North on US 62 to Danville, Ohio. From Danville go NE on SR 514 10 miles to sale site. Turn left on CR 22. You’ll see big red sale barn on the left.
Mohican West
24 Miles west of Billings, MT. on I-90 to Exit 426, then 1 mile south thru Park City to T (Cemetery Road)
then 3 miles (left) east to Sportsman Park Road then right to Mohican West.